L’association Morgane
English Version
Assocition Morgane
Informations in English Information bulletin - March 2008

- Download the information bulletin (pdf - 140ko)

From the 1st to the 15th of February 2008, new journey to Dagana. We are back in France once again with many pictures and a lot of emotion. There are things that are seen and others that must be felt. News from the Morgane Centre and the primary school :

From things that we see, the most impressive is progress in construction. We are discovering the second phase of two classes, almost finished and already in use. Just tables and benches are missing… which is in the hands of the National Education. Our role as well is to make sure that the necessary books and materials are delivered. It is the state’s responsibility to provide each public school with the necessary equipment. However the School Dagana 6 is not being built by the state so, they forgot the furniture grant.

The first two buildings already give a good impression of the general arrangement. The class rooms are large with high ceiling, protected from the sun with path ways and double walls Students and teachers suffer less from the warmth than in any other schools. There is still a question regarding the necessity of the double roof. This arrangement is costly and the difference in temperature with a more conventional building as not been proved yet.

The third building includes two class rooms and toilets. The funds are not complete yet but we decided to start the building while we were in Dagana. We hope that the financial support we are waiting for and the help from everywhere else is coming soon.

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First two buildings of the school from the roof of the centre Morgane

The exchange between the pupils from Dagana’s school and those from Vitruve’s school in Paris, gave the possibility to ten students from Dagana to come for a journey in Paris. They were accompanied by Papa Meïssa Hanne and Oumar Seck a teacher from Dagana. The children have been really enthusiastic about this experience and would probably remember it all their life. For a few of them, this was their first journey outside of their home town. However, they were very observant and shared many opinions upon the way of life in Paris.

L’association Réunion-Dagana organized as well the publication of a booklet written by the tudents from both schools which details and reproduces the cooking tools and habits from both countries. The writing of other booklets is in process : the meals, the trees and the wood. Each theme is showing the similarities and differences of both countries.

From the things we cannot see but that can be guess, this school is for the interest of 185 pupils and an opportunity to be part of an exceptional school. The pupils are always at the school even out of the class schedule. They presented us their actions with genuine : health, arts and culture, veggie garden, cleaning, library, news paper… The school has already a really good reputation in the all city. Everyone agrees that this school is carrying a lot of hope and dispense a quality teaching.

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School commissions
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During pupils theater
The training courses for teachers organized by the ASEM are getting organized :

- A computer training course is planed for April 2008 in relationship with DIIARA (French association for computer training courses). Common office software and internet are necessary tools for the correspondence between schools, the publishing of the news paper and the access to a large information resource.

- The ASEM organizes three national meetings in 2008 in 3 Senegalese cities :

  • In Saint-Louis from the 6th to the 9th of March : Innovation and quality teaching ;
  • In Rufisque, in April ;
  • Place and theme to be announced for the third one.

- Training courses for the Freinet pedagogy instructors : Seven teachers are following this course at the present time. Two courses out of four have already been done.

- Training courses for the Dagana’s teachers : One course per year is open for the teachers from Dagana. The IDEN wish that the CODEC from Dagana (teacher federation) could be part of this day course. The financial help for feeding and accommodation must still be organized as they cannot be part of the ASEM resources.

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So far we have reached our goals thanks to our 564 members, the region Pays de la Loire Atlantique, the Groupe Alpha and the publishing company Libertaires. We rely on their fidelity and are working on the expansion for other financial resources. However, the project for the building of the auditorium can not be done as the funding has not been found.

The important points for 2008
We requested to the building ministry and to the council of Dagana the building of the surrounding wall around the school. This is a high cost and could be in charge of the Senegalese state. We have the feeling that the deciders can give a favorable decision to that request and that we should follow the progress closely.

The Centre Morgane still suffers from missing water pressure as it stand at the end of the water supply system. Changes are in progress. The chiefs suggest the building of an outside 4 kitchen. That could be used for the cooking of large quantities of food on fire wood in the presence of large groups. This is of the urgent needs.

The IT centre has been equipped with voltage regulators. The variations in tension were damaging the equipment that has been replaced. The five computers are used a lot by teachers and students having an open access. The student from the high school of Dagana and some citizens are using the computers with a paid access. We are trying to develop even more this access o the population.

In 2009, we will have to start the first maintenance actions. The buildings will be in use for five years already. There are many users and even if everyone is careful works like painting maintenance and general maintenance are necessary.

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Discovery of laser level
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On the building site
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The blue class
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Thank you
the ambition of our association is large and you are all part of it. Our hope for the following years is to start the building of a preschool for the end of 2008 in order to open two classes for the scholar year 2009… with rhythm and continuity. Thanks for joining us.

Blandine DEVOUGE
Chair woman

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Building site – March 2008
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